video story

Nawaf al-Bashir doesn't have any Facebook page

Nawaf al-Bashir doesn't have any Facebook page

Ahmad Primo Ahmad Primo   Sunday 27th August 2017

Ahmad Primo Ahmad Primo   Sunday 27th August 2017

Pro-opposition website shared today news titled "after going back to Assad regime Syrian intelligence humiliating Nawaf al-Bashir" saying that Assad regime intelligence humiliated Nawaf al-Bashir by forcing him to sign paper ban him from talking about some issues of east Syria areas.

Websites used a Facebook page with the name "Sheikh Nawaf al-Bashir" which posted saying that general intelligence branch forced Bashir to sign paper ban him from talking about Kurdish Issue threatened him to be punished if he said anything related. 

Verify-Sy would like to remind audience that it previously we shared article that Nawaf al-Bashir doesn't own a Facebook page and all pages and accounts are fake according a video statement was published on Nawaf's son Laith facebook page. 

Bashir accused what he called "foreign opposition" of being behind the page that disrespect him and aim to tension between sects according to his statement earlier this month.

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